DS Household budget surveys > Information on data > Projects EN REVAMP

Eurostat grant projects 

Eurostat has supported a number of countries via grants to further develop their methodology and new tools for the time use survey (TUS) and the household budget survey (HBS) data collections.

The final grant reports, by year and country, are listed here.

2020 project reports

DS Household budget surveys > Information on data > Projects > Flags EN REVAMP

2018 project reports

DS Household budget surveys > Information on data > Projects 2 EN REVAMP

Project: Innovative tools and sources for HBS and TUS

Eurostat is managing a project to support EU members in developing innovative, shareable solutions that will support the modernisation of TUS and HBS data collections. The project is led by a dedicated European task force.

More information about the project and the task force’s activities such as agenda and minutes of meetings, background documents and presentations, as well as other material, may be found in a dedicated wiki space. To get access to this wiki, please contact the wiki administrators.