The month of May marks the European Diversity Month and thus it is a good opportunity to have a look at the Eurostat data on equality in the EU

Did you know that:

  • one-third of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduates are women?
  • there is more than a 20 percentage point difference in employment between people with disabilities and those without?
  • children of foreign-born parents are two times more likely to be at risk of poverty than those of native-born parents?

Find out this and more in our  infographic:

Employment gap in the EU. Infographic.

To dig deeper into this topic, visit the updated thematic section on equality and non-discrimination that allows exploring various indicators by key equality dimensions. In the EU, 6 grounds for discrimination have been identified: sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation. Eurostat has statistics on 4 out of the 6 grounds for discrimination.